About me

My name is Gabriela Kern. I am German. My hometown is Lüneburg, a town that is more than 1000 years old. It is situated near Hamburg, in the northern part of Germany.
Hier geht es zu meinem deutschen Blog reiseblog.gabrielaaufreisen.de
In 2018 we moved to the South of Germany, into the Black forest area. Currently we live in Emmendingen, a nice little town near Freiburg.
I am a travel agent for nearly 35 years now and I love this job. I think it´s in my genes that I love to travel. So far I´ve been to more than 85 countries, all continents and I don´t stop travelling!
There is still so much to explore outside. I started this travelblog in German, but I´ve noticed so many visitors from outside Germany on my blog, That I began to translate certain blogs in English. I do not only travel during my holidays with my husband Dirk, but also as a tour guide for the agency that I work for. This is a lot of fun and my clients love it! (Come join us!)
Upcoming trips: again to the Yukon, but this time up till Tuktoyaktuk. Ruanda, visiting the last Gorillas. To France, with all these beautiful castles at the river Loire … These plans I had to cancel, due to Corona, but what is upcoming: at the end of June we will make a river cruise on the Danube. You´ll find it on my blog shortly.
Don´t hesitate to communicate with me, I will answer! Even if I need some time when I´m abroad again.
If you like a lot more blog posts in German, you may find them on my German blog www.gabrielaaufreisen.de
You´ll find more information, news and pictures on my facebook site, on pinterest and on youtube as well. More pics you`ll find on instagram.com/kerngabriela Come join me there!
Hello Gabriela Thought I would just drop you a line from Fortrose, we both enjoyed so much meeting you and having you stay here at Waters Edge after so many years. I have enjoyed reading your blog and have myself been to many of the countries you have visited. I love to travel myself, mostly traveling on my own, but along the way I never fail to meet so many interesting and wonderful people. I do not do anything on face book only do emailing that keeps me going and in touch with every one I know.
We wish you both many happy times on your travels and as you go make special memories of every where you visit…… Our very best wishes Gill…Billxx
Dear Gill and Bill,
thank you for your heart warming words! It was so nice meeting you again and having such a wonderful stay in your beautiful Water´s Edge B & B. We felt very welcome and everybody can see, with how much love and ambition both of you care for your work. I hope we´ll meet again and I hope you´ll enjoy my blog further on. If you like, just subscribe for the newsletter. All the best wishes Gabriela & Dirk