In Southern Italy
Again, I’m on the road with customers. This trip takes me to southern Italy, Puglia, the “boot heel” . Zum deutschen Blog.
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Late in the evening we arrive in the Masseria Caselli. A Masseria is a former Manor house of a large landowner. This one is located on a golf course, amid olive groves.

Next morning, we start late towards the third largest city of Puglia, to the university town of
Our Gebeco tour guide Iris, who lives in Puglia, leads us along old Pallazzi to the main square, where the sumptuously equipped cathedral is also located. Apart from the Pope, who visited the cathedrale a few years ago, the bishop and all brides, all visitors and worshipers must enter through the side entrance. So do we.

Most of the old houses in the city centre were built from the Lecce Stone, a very soft sandstone found only here in this area. Depending on the time of day, light and humidity, it takes on a different color. Unfortunately, it’s really so soft that you can scrape off parts with your fingernail. As a result, it is not only the ornaments that suffer greatly of the weather and so much must be restored.

About 100 years ago, at a construction site in the middle of the city a Roman amphi theatre was found, which could be uncovered by about 25% and in which events still take place today. It is located in the city with lots of small restaurants and cafes around. At Caffè Alvino you should drink the local specialty espresso over ice cubes with almond milk. Very refreshing. Inside the cafe, there’s a huge selection of ice cream, pastries and cakes.

However, I also buy an ice cream around the corner, in the famous Gelateria Natale, which has around 40 varieties of ice cream and other sweet little things. Pay first, then choose, that’s how it goes here. Very tasty!
After the lunch break, we continue to the easternmost city in Italy,

Here, too, we visit the cathedral. Its peculiarity is the beautiful mosaic floor, which was designed by Pantaleone and shows scenes from the Bible. In a side chapel, the bones of 800 local saints lie behind glass and are very revered.

Iris leads us through winding tiny alleyways to a very small Greek chapel, the Chiesa di San Pietro, with quite well-preserved frescoes from the 9th and 10th century.

Cute little shops with beautiful clothes, kitsch and art can be found everywhere. If you are lucky and do not stroll along here at the main tourist time, you can certainly buy one or the other souvenirs while visiting the small shops. To everyone else, I recommend going to the wide harbour promenade and watch the hustle and bustle there. There also is a small city beach where now at the end of May the swimming season starts.

I prefer a seat in one of the numerous cafes to watch people. In addition, I try out again one of the many specialty coffees. I don’t think I can tray all of them in this one week.

Back at the hotel, I bring the day to a nice end with a refreshing dip in the swimming pool of the Masseria before we have dinner in the vault of the house.
Afterwards, it’s wonderful to have a nightcap on the wide terrace of the Masseria and take a look into the sparkling stars in the deep dark sky. Maybe I’ll discover a shooting star?!

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See you there!

Hallo Gabriela,
deine tollen Bilder zu diesem Beitrag habe ich schon auf Facebook bestaunt! Der Artikel ist ebenfalls klasse!
Ich lasse dir einen lieben Gruß da 🙂
Vielen Dank liebe Isabel!Grüße zurück.
Liebesschlösser einfach an eine Laterne zu machen, ist auch mal eine schöne Idee. So muss wenigstens niemand Angst haben, dass die Brücken einstürzten.
Ich mag die historische Architektur in Kombination mit dem satten Grün Italiens sehr. Somit ist Italien immer wieder ein beliebtes Urlaubsland.
Liebe Grüße, Katja
Liebe Katja, das mit den Liebesschlössern finde ich auch. Apulien ist wirklich herrlich grün durch die Millionen von Olivenbäumen.
Liebe Grüße Gabriela
Oh wow! Du machst Dir eine Menge Arbeit mit dem Blog: deutsch und englisch? Hut ab! Otranto – kannte ich bisher noch nicht. Überhaupt waren wir wenig in Italien bisher, wohl eher Surfen in Frankreich ;O). Aber toll, dass Du Fotos, sooo viele Infos und dann noch ein Video einbindest! Klasse! Man sieht, dass das hier Deine Leidenschaft ist, oder? Viele Grüße! Sirit
Liebe Sirit! Vielen Dank… fast werde ich rot 🙂 Ja, man könnte es als Leidenschaft bezeichnen. Zumindest das Reisen, das Schreiben ist eher ein Reisetagebuch für mich.
Liebe Grüße zurück, Gabriela