My 10 most beautiful places in the world
Now, almost everyone in the world is not allowed to travel because of the Corona crisis, so travelling is no option, we stay at home. Since this is very unusual for me, I would like to show you my 10 most beautiful places in the world. Who likes is cordially invited to present his/her places of longing in the comments below.
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This trip to the southernmost end of the world for me was the most impressive place in the world! This incredible seclusion and inaccessibility. And yet there are some people who spend not only the Arctic summer (in our winter) there on the research stations, but also the winter. With months of darkness, incredible storms and coldness.
Of course, I did not experience that there. We were there at the beginning of the summer, so that the sun shone for almost 24 hours and the biodiversity has almost taken our breath away. Various penguin species, Wedell seals, leopard seals and various bird species, always ahead the predatory gulls, populate the coast and sometimes raise their young there. Completely without fear of us human beings.

Then life underwater. Different whale species, which are already there quite early in the summer to fill their stomachs with krill and fish, before they swim north again after a few months to give birth to their young in warmer water.
But what is so incredibly impressive are the sometimes incomprehensibly large icebergs, which shine in all shades of blue and white when the sun’s rays hit them…
So completely different is this vast and mostly deserted country in the west of Africa. For many months dust-dry, all life there, people, animals, plants waiting for the rainy season, which hopefully arrives.
The Etosha pan in the north of the country,a huge nature reserve that was a long time ago a large lake and now a salt pan, houses not only the largest land animals on earth, but also huge herds of antelopes and zebras. Lions and cheetahs, ostriches, chameleons, hyenas, almost every species that comes to mind when you think of Africa…

They gather at the waterholes because they all need the precious water.
If you drive through the country, you will feel the infinite expanse, the mountains colouring red in the evening sun and the silence.
Namibia for me is absolutely one of the most beautiful places in the world.
Alaska / Yukon
Again, a region of the world, which can hardly be lonelier and more fascinating. Infinitely forests, but partly also charred by the fires that recur again and again. A lot of water, starting from small pools, over streams and raging rivers. In addition, high mountains with snow and glaciers.

Roads that lead straight through a landscape and do not seem to end. No other car on the road. Bears looking for berries on the side of the road. Huge moose, porcupines, coyotes… We have seen all these animals and more on our trips. And again, and again the majestic bald eagles.
Our fourth trip to the north of Canada and the USA is scheduled to take place this June. But as it stands, we must dream another year of this most beautiful place in the world.
Yes, again one of the most beautiful places in the world, which is located away from the usual tourist paths.
So far, I have only been able to explore the coastal region on two visits, but what I have already seen there has impressed me a lot. I find it particularly interesting that Iceland is located on two continental plates. On the North American and the European continental plate, which drift a tiny bit apart every year.

The early settlers cut down all the trees growing there, so that the landscape, where one does not try to reforest now, seems very barren. A lot of solitude is possible here, if you do not join the most famous waterfall, the Gulfoss with the other tourists or marvel at the force of nature at the regularly erupting Strokkur Geyser.
Also, again one of the most beautiful places in the world for me. In Lima, full of people, cars and noise. In the Andes deserted. Vicunas, which are strictly protected and give the most expensive wool in the world (not entirely voluntarily, you have to capture them and may only shear a little every few years, otherwise they freeze in the harsh winters).

And who doesn’t think of Machu Picchu, this mysterious 15th-century Inca town, high up in the inaccessible mountains. Often shrouded in rain clouds. Incredible how the Incas were able to process these enormous stone blocks at that time.
The land on the Nile is definitely one of the most beautiful places in the world. Even as a little girl of nine years I wished for the book “Gods, Graves and Scholars” at Christmas, and reread it again and again. Since then, much more has been discovered and come to light. The latest research may have refuted some of this.

What remains, however, are in any case the beautiful (grave)buildings, temples with their countless inscriptions and one of the wonders of the world of antiquity, the pyramids of Giza. On my first visit there, 1989, I was even able to get inside one of the pyramids. Frightening and oppressive when you think of the thousands of tons of rock that people have layered there and that weigh over the corridors.
Rajasthan / India
A huge country, partly deserted, partly full of people, animals, cars and two-wheelers, everything is muddling. I am always amazed that not many more accidents are happening in the big cities.
Why is this country one of the most beautiful places in the world for me? Not only because there are an incredible number of fascinating buildings. Above all, I was fascinated by the Indian women. Their colorful saris and the usually very graceful way they move. I felt like I’ve never seen even two identical saris, and that’s with the unimaginably large number of people. Often enough they wanted to be photographed by and partly also with us.

Since everyone knows the Taj Mahal from countless photos, I deliberately do not show it here.
New York
Every few years I also visit New York. For many, this metropolis of millions is one of the most beautiful places in the world. For me, it definitely has the most beautiful skyline, although Shanghai catches up quite nicely.
In this city you can get lost and be quite lonely among thousands of people on the street. And then someone comes who sees that you look for something or you look lost or trying to orient yourself and asks you if he can help. That, too, is New York.

I enjoy walking through the “street canyons”! I like this gigantic architecture and mostly I look up or look down from above when I stand on one of the viewing platforms.
New York, the city that must go through so much sorrow at the moment, the streets are deserted, because the virus brings everything to a standstill here too. Hopefully the haunting for all people on Earth will soon come to an end…
I never really wanted to come here. Why not? I thought I would get bored to death on these tiny islands. A cheap plane ticket and some left over vacation days brought us to the islands. And now the archipelago in the Indian Ocean is also one of the most beautiful places in the world for me.
Incredibly nice people live here. From above, inside the plane, the islands look even more fragile than they really are from below.

Above all, I was fascinated by the underwater world. I can’t dive, but I snorkeled for hours every day. To be able to see the colorful fish and corals right near the shore is just great! Knowing that these islands may not exist in 200 years’ time, because climate change and the melting of the poles raises the water level by a few meters, gives me the fervent hope that there is still a reversal if we all do our share and help stopping the change.
And last but not least my hometown
It is only since we moved away from here that I notice how I am missing it. Whenever I visit my son and his family there, I take new photos from the city.
I take pictures from the old part of the town and from the houses. Some of which are about 500 years old, the churches are even older, and everything lovingly restored. The city was founded more than 1000 years ago because a brine spring was found here. Salt was a precious and highly valued commodity in the Middle Ages. The city quickly became rich and joined the Hanseatic League.

On small boats, the so-called Salzewer, the salt was transported on the Ilmenau to be shipped on the Baltic Sea.
Now you have read what have been my 10 most beautiful places in the world so far. Maybe I need to change the list in a few years or just extend it. I very much hope that we will all be able to travel again soon to find each one for himself, his most beautiful place in the world.
I am looking forward to reading from your most beautiful places in the world in the comments!

You can find more pictures, info and news as always on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and TripAdvisor. If you give me your “like”, you will be informed first.
In no particular order:
Alaska, Leland, Tasmania, Easter Island, Azores, South Africa,
Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Adirondacks, Utah, Oregon, Jordan, Switzerland and Myanmar.
Hi Dan,
that sounds great and these countries and landscapes are truly beautiful.
Thanks for sharing with us!
Best wishes